Standing Ovation

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Standing Ovation

Standing ovation….. Give yourself one sometimes.

If you are anything like me, and I’m guessing many of you are, because you are in sales.  You have a hard time giving yourself credit for what’s happening.  You may always be looking at doing more and more and more. You ride the emotions at times. You set appointment after appointment and sonetimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. We then have the times where we kill the activity (like always), but we can’t set an appointment to save our lives! You may be in the top 5, top 10, top 20 of your company but you still feel like you can do more. It’s not enough. We aren’t where we want to be.

You could also be on the flip side. You are new to the company, or have been there for a short time. You are putting in the activity. You are making the dials, setting the appointments, getting in front of people but nothing is happening. Even when something does happen, it’s not as much as you’d like.

This may sound funny, but I’m here to tell you to celebrate those things.  Give yourself a standing ovation.  Literally get up out of your desk, or as you’re driving to your next appointment, or when you are going home for the day and give yourself an ovation.  

A couple things to be happy about…


  1. You aren’t going to kill it every day. That’s okay! What can you control? Your activity. You can kill the activity every day. That’s going to lead to the results you want. It may not that day, but it will and you can give yourself an ovation for that.
  2. When you are doing the activity, you are practicing. What do I mean by that? Every time you talk to someone. Every appointment you are in.  Every time someone cancels on you. Every time someone tells you no. This is practice. It makes you better. It makes you stronger. The more you do it the better you get.
  3. Fill your pipeline. Every time someone says no, they are now a contact. May not be today, may not be tomorrow, might be 3 years from now. Eventually they will need you. You can celebrate that. You created a new contact.


I hired a coach. I was the person that wanted more all the time. Not that I’m settling now. I just never gave myself the opportunity to look back at what I’ve accomplished. I never looked back at how much I was really doing and why I was doing it. I killed myself daily and didn’t enjoy it. That’s why this topic is so near and dear to my heart.


My coach taught me to enjoy what I’m doing. Why I’m doing it. How I’m doing it. Taught me to look at what I’ve done and be happy. Know that I gave my all every day. She helped me know that I’m capable of more. But at the same time, there’s times you just can’t do more. She helped me understand that it’s not all about how much we sell but at times it can be about the relationships we are building.  There’s so many things that she helped me do, but one of the biggest, if not the biggest, is to give myself an ovation.  She taught me to be happier.  We all want to be top dogs, but maybe, just maybe it’s okay at times to know you are doing the right things daily.  Enjoy it!