Do what you have to

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Do what you have to

Have you ever been displaced? Your internet is down? Your computer isn’t working? Things just aren’t going the way they should?

A while back we had a pretty strong storm. Knocked out power for most of the western part of the Twin Cities, as well as mine. To some people this is a day off, a reason to not do anything. Do I sit around and do nothing, go home? Make excuses? I mean, I don’t have internet right? So many of us have this mentality. We either check out mentally.

What do you do when you get to work? What’s the first thing you do when you get there? Check e-mails, voicemails? Return those e-mails and voicemails? Maybe get up and tell someone about those e-mails and voicemails? Go the bathroom, get your water, your coffee, because the day can’t start without our coffee! By that time it’s 9:30 or 10 in the morning, you know you have that doctor appointment for your daughter/son at 11:30. We don’t want to start too much because we don’t want to be in the middle of something, so we just start pushing some papers around, looking online, talking to people etc. You go to your appointment, takes longer than you thought it would due to traffic and the doctor being backed up. We don’t get back until between 1:30 and 2. What do we do again? We check e-mails and voicemails, by that time it’s 2-2:30 in the afternoon and what have we accomplished? Nothing. Not a thing. But we’ve been really busy haven’t we…..

Feel like I’m following you around a bit?

It’s time to change that mentality. Set your processes in place. Be smart enough, to be dumb enough not to have to think about it.

  1. Do your admin work before your “day” starts. E-mails, voicemails, getting back to people and planning your day.
  2. When YOUR bell rings, it’s time to get after it. You can take breaks, but be focused, know what you need to do.
  3. Set a time to check e-mail. The sky won’t fall, I promise you that.
  4. Have prospecting/phoning time. You may not like it, but it will drive your business. Everyday. Stop making excuses NOT to do it.
  5. Know what your reason is. You can call it your Why, Focus, Motivation whatever you want. Have a reason each and every day to make it happen. Let it PULL you.
  6. Always look for more. Don’t settle. This is sales, there’s always more you can do. That’s up to you.
  7. No excuses. Start recognizing when you say I can’t, wish I could, or should, or want to. It’s their fault, they didn’t do this and that. It’s on you, you control yourself, no one else does. Don’t be a SHOULD HEAD.
  8. Attitude. Have a positive one.
  9. Show up. Don’t half a$$ it. Go after it. It’s worth it.
  10. Enjoy it when you do these things. You will crush it. Go change your life. No one can do it for you. It’s a choice.

If you need help, want to talk or just want advice on how to do many of these things, feel free to reach out. Whether it’s e-mail or phone. When you do these things your business starts to become something. Not just a job you show up for.

Brent Widman
Southwestern Consulting