Finding your GRIT

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Finding your GRIT

There’s a myth out there that some people just have IT. That they have this given talent that just makes them better at what they do. I’m going to break this to you. IT doesn’t just happen.  IT is something we must create. The question so many people want to know:  How do we get IT?  Answer:  GRIT.

1.  Purpose and Meaning
We all have something that drives us. The reason we do what we do. That something is our purpose, and everyone’s purpose in life and work are different.  Our habits, money, family, freedom, vision, goals or just plain work ethic—we are all driven and seeking our purpose differently. The first thing we must find is what purpose and meaning drives us.  My point is you have been given a gift. It’s up to you to figure out what to do with that gift.  Figuring out what to do will help you find your GRIT.

2.  Be Confident but Realistic
If confidence was easy, everyone would have it. That’s the thing.  You want to be confident in what you are doing daily. Confidence comes from your commitment to development and training. To becoming the best version of what you can be. Stop with the “I can’t, I might, I could, I should, I want to”. Scratch that crap from your vocabulary. Those thoughts and feelings are not doing anything for you but holding you back. Eliminating those emotions gets you on the path to IT and the beginning stages of starting to develop your GRIT

3. Prepare, Prepare…. Prepare
There is power in planning. No one, I don’t care who you are…No one walks out and just plays the game. There are hours and hours of preparation that go into winning, being the best, being on top.  There’s a perception top producer’s just have IT.  Do you know how they got IT? GRIT, the hard work of truly committing to the preparation to become better every day. What are you doing?

4. Focus
This quality is a big one. Too many people pride themselves on being busy. So much that the day gets away from them, but…” they will get to it tomorrow.”  Then, they get into the habit of busyness and are stuck in that routine. Focus is power. Do you know how much you can get done in 30, 60, 90 minutes of focus? Try it. It’s truly unreal. Block everything out and focus. You will have a newfound perspective, and IT will be around the corner.  Focus is another critical characteristic of GRIT.

5. Give Help to Get Help
We can’t do IT alone. The people that give of themselves, the people that become coach-able, and the people that are humble enough to know that we are all in this together are the people that get to the top. The people that think they have IT all figured out are the ones that will stay stagnant. You will never have IT all figured out, and you will never “be there”. If you are, I’m sorry. That’s too bad. Pour into those around you.  When you can teach IT, you know IT.  Then, find something else to learn.  Your ongoing need and desire to improve or learn something new shows that you have GRIT.

6. Find a way to Laugh
Enjoy what you are doing. Have fun with the process. When we take ourselves too seriously and put too much pressure on ourselves, bad things start to happen. You don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself. This is life—your life. You are doing something amazing whether you see it or not. You CAN control how you feel about your situation.  Take a step back, breath, and look at the situation with a clear mind. Find the good. Those individuals that take the time to examine the situation are the ones that truly make IT.   They are the ones that find and choose joy.

They have found GRIT.


Brent Widman
Southwestern Consulting