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Create your schedule

Create your schedule

Whether we think so or not—We can create our own schedule. Which equates to creating our own life.

Is it hard at times? Absolutely. There are going to be things thrown at you. “Fires” that we feel we must put out right away. You are not alone.

How to  do this you ask?

First, take a step back and look at your schedule. What are the most important things on there? It can be anything that’s important to you professionally OR personally.  Put all of that on there first.  Yes, actually take the time to do this. Planning is an Income Producing Activity. This is PLANNING. Some of it will be reoccurring. Some of it will be when you sit down Sunday and map it out. That’s okay. Map it out.

Give yourself permission. You may think “should I or shouldn’t I”. When it’s on your calendar, you no longer have to feel that way. When you map it out, it becomes yours. You will allow yourself to do the things you want to do and know that things you DON’T want to do will still happen. You can power through that.

Next, put those things on that you know you must get done. The things that may make you cringe a bit, but that’s okay. You can do it in 15 minutes, 30, even an hour. You know that bell will ring eventually—just like high school. When the bells rings, you move on. You can always come back to it if you did not finish.

Which leads me to the next part. Put white space on your calendar. Yes, leave yourself leeway to do free things. If you find yourself with nothing to do during that time, ask yourself: What is the thing I know I need to do to drive my business? Maybe, it’s that project you need to finish? Maybe, it’s just getting up and going for a walk that will make you more efficient the rest of the day? MAYBE, it’s making phone calls you justify with yourself to not make.

Whatever it is, do not get caught up in creative avoidance. If you need to do something, DO IT. Don’t give yourself the excuse not to.

Honestly, this really isn’t that hard. When you’ve planned and know what you are doing every hour, every half hour, every 15 minutes of every day, it will change your world. I promise you. It will add freedom to your mind. Freedom to your personal life. Freedom to your professional life.

People feel like they must work all the time because they are not diligent. They are not planned. They are not disciplined in the things they need to be doing. Take the TIME to plan. Its’ worth it.

You’ve got this. But you MUST plan it.


Brent Widman
Southwestern Consulting