Standing in the Corner

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Standing in the Corner

There’s this myth in the business industry that some people are just “different”. They are broken from a mold that others are not. They have been blessed in a way that most people aren’t. I’m going to break this to you…this myth is wrong.

There are three things that successful people do that others fall short. The best part is, it is all controllable. Each and every person can decide, in a moment, they are going to start on the path to do these things.

Will it happen overnight? No. Will it happen if they don’t make the choice? No.

Personal Growth

What are you doing each day to develop yourself?  Are you taking the time to be intentional about it? Where do you start? What can you do? These are the many questions I hear.

The first thing you can do. Read. Read a book. Not Game of Thrones. Read a book that’s going to make you better. Maybe you want to develop something. Read about it. Maybe you are down? Read about it. What is it in your life, your industry, your being that you want to do? Read about it. There are CD’s, DVD’s, coaches, trainers, seminars, mentors, podcasts, Audible, industry experts, business training, degrees, or research online just to name a few.

Are you taking advantage of what’s at your fingertips? Only YOU can make YOU do it.


I’m not talking about the accountability with someone asking you at the end of the day or week what you did.  Yes, we all need that. We should be doing that!

I am talking about those people that truly hold you accountable. These are the people around you. They are watching you. If you don’t know that, open your eyes to it. You are either teaching them to be stagnant or teaching them to own their life.  Your kids, family, friends, parents, spouses–you are accountable to all of them. Are you giving them what they deserve? Are you showing them exactly what you are capable of? If not, it might be time to reevaluate where you are.  Time to do something about it.  Time for a change.

This is where true accountability comes in.


Finally, we have Discipline. Tying it all together. Doing what we said we were going to do long after the feeling we said it has left us.

Don’t show up just on the days it feels good. We can all do that. Have you ever done something challenging, conquered it, and looked back and thought, “I wish I wouldn’t have done that”?  Probably not. Having discipline is hard. It’s supposed to be. The courage of doing it will keep you doing it over and over again.

You know what happens when you do that? You keep doing it. It becomes a habit.  This is discipline. You get up, get off your butt, and go make things happen. Be intentional. Put the work in. Over and over and over and over until you have it. Until it becomes part of you. Until what was once scary becomes normal.

You have people that care about you watching you. Prove to them what you can do. Show them if you put your heart and mind in something you can achieve it.

Don’t be the person standing in the corner watching others become who they choose to be.


Brent Widman
Southwestern Consulting