You’ve Been Given a Ticket

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You’ve Been Given a Ticket

I was at a team training recently sitting around having a conversation.  The conversation turned to discipline, accountability and “just showing up mindset.”

It was intriguing to listen to someone talk about why they can’t show up daily. What has happened in their past that makes them not be able to do just that. What’s holding them back. How their mindset is controlling everything they do. Letting that shadow of doubt come in when it could be blocked.

This victim mindset is where I get passionate.  I’m a true believer, that for the most part, we are all given a ticket.  It’s what we choose to do with that ticket that defines who we are and what we become.

We all have “stuff”. Each and every person that will read this has either been through something in life or is going through something right now. This “stuff” can be the loss of a family member, weight loss, losing a job, maybe it was eliminated, or you were just let go. It can be someone getting sick. Maybe it’s a divorce. There’re so many things that we go through, and yes, they do affect each person differently.

As I listened to this person talk about how their life was different, how their “stuff” was different, I started to wonder why. Terminal Uniqueness. Why are you so much different than everyone else?  Why can’t you make the choice to show up every day?

In business and in life there are things we can control, and things we can’t. The biggest one, you can control your mindset. You CAN control when you show up. You also control if you don’t.  Winning is a habit, unfortunately so is losing.

You have the ability to do your absolute best. There are too many people that don’t reach their potential, not because they don’t want to, but because they are allowing everything in their book to prevent them from it. We all have obstacles. Are you allowing them to dictate who you are?

The trick is… you must recognize it. With this person, I recognized every excuse in the book they were throwing out there. The sad part, they did not. And at times, there was the justification behind it.  There’s no justification for it. I’m sorry if that upsets some people.  There’s no justification for excuses. For not showing up. There is no one that controls not showing up but you.

You have been given a ticket. It’s what you choose to do with it that defines you. What are you going to do with yours? Maybe it’s time to take a good hard look at who you are, what you are, and what you want to be.

Show up.


Brent Widman
Southwestern Consulting