We Are All In This

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We Are All In This

It’s Okay.

Last week when “it really hit the fan”, the NBA, NHL, Disney Land, Restaurants, Bars… life in general began to shut down.  What did I do? I got caught up in it. You know why? Because we are all in this together. Each and every one of us.

The next couple days were a whirlwind of emotions. I write this because I feel like everyone in the US or in the world who sees this is going through it or has been there.

Friday afternoon…it was the thoughts of what happens if I can’t pay bills? What if my family suffers? What if I can’t make money? And the big one, what IF I don’t have toilet paper? (had to lighten it a bit).  Needless to say, I was taking myself right out of the game. Just. Like. That.

Over the weekend I started thinking to myself. What the heck is wrong with you?  You have an opportunity to show what you are made of. To show that things will get better, things can get better.  You, and only YOU, can change your attitude about what is going on in the world right now.

This sucks. Yep, it sure does. It flat out sucks. But you know what, we are all in it. Together. There’s no one person that’s immune to this. No one  can run from it, get away from it, or that it CAN’T affect. 

 Here’s the thing, and if this helps you in anyway, or just ONE person, man I hope it does.  Give yourself permission. Give yourself permission to wallow in it. Give yourself permission to break down. To let it NOT be okay. Give yourself permission to take a breath. Go for a run, take a walk, talk to someone when you need to. It’s okay. We all need to.

Honestly, that’s exactly what I had to do.

Then I said to myself, no more. No more. You know who that is going to hurt if you keep doing that?  Not just you, but your family, friends, people that you care about the most.  This will pass. I promise you. We’ve been there before and we will be there again. This WILL pass.

Give yourself permission to get after this thing. You can’t control what’s going on outside your front door. What you can control is how you show up every day. You can show what you want out of life.  You have been given an opportunity or you have been punched in the face. You get to decide.

If you are ready to be part of the problem or part of the solution, you get to decide. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, and start looking for the good. It’s time to be that person that others can look to for help.  Wouldn’t you rather be that person? It may be truly hard in this moment for some, believe me, I will NOT diminish that. But we all have it in us. I wholeheartedly believe that.

Call those people that mean so much to you. Talk to those people that need you. Reach out and care about those around you.

Don’t ask for anything. Don’t want for anything. Don’t NEED anything from anyone. Just be the part of their life right now.

If I can be there for anyone that reads this, I don’t care who you are, where you are from, if you just need to talk about what the heck to do going forward… call, e-mail, text. Anytime. I don’t care. I will be that person for you.

We are all in this together.

Brent Widman
Partner & Sales Coach
Southwestern Consulting