I Don’t Deserve Success

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I Don’t Deserve Success

There’s a myth out there that whoever you are, whatever you do, how you were brought up, things you have been…you name it— there’s a myth that you don’t deserve success.

Now, bear with me here. Your definition of success is different than the person sitting right next to you. All of us have different definitions. Exactly the way it should be.  Some say it is money, social status, helping people, or giving back.  What it really comes down to is you FEEL it.

I was sitting with a colleague a few weeks back. We were talking about where they were, where life has taken them, and how things were going. I asked them, “do you think you deserve success.” Deep breath. Pause. Right then I knew. I knew that they truly did not think they deserved it.

They have been stuck in a way of life for so long. Just getting by. Just making enough to pay bills, to live “okay” but never getting the opportunity to experience life. Now, don’t get me wrong. This person is the epitome of a great person. They help people, they guide people, they give back to those around them. They are always there. Thoughtful. It’s just that one hump that they can’t get over.

Because they don’t feel like they deserve it. Is this all there is in life? Is this me? Is this what I was meant to do? To just get by?

I’m telling you, it truly doesn’t have to be that way.

There’s a quote out there that I absolutely love. Success is never owned; it is only rented, and the rent is due every day.

When we truly find our passion, what we want to do with life, that’s the first step. We can all go find a job. Yes, I said it, we can find a job. The truly successful people go out and find what THEY want to do. They change their mindset and make a choice to pour their all into this.

Will it be hard. Yes. You know what though? You won’t care because it’s something that motivates you every day. You get out of bed to do this. You do it all day. You think about it at night. You don’t care if you have to stay up late or get up early. You know why? Because this is YOUR definition of success.

We ALL have this opportunity. I wholeheartedly believe that. I have seen people come from the bottom to rise up. I’ve seen people that thought they had it all get grounded, humbled, and have to build it back up. I’ve seen people who were just going about life and living paycheck to paycheck change their whole being.

They had the ability to do it. I had the ability to do it. YOU have the ability to do it. YOU can become a success.

Change your mindset. You deserve it. YOU choose.  No one gets to make that choice for you.


Brent Widman
Southwestern Consulting